As always, plant families are there to test us. The Australian Melicytus angustifolius is a member - as far removed from our little violets as can be. This punk rock cousin can be seen in the Cambridge Botanic Gardens, where it flowers later in the year. Like our sweet violet, the perfume is apparently amazing.
“I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.” - Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5. Shakespeare's plays and sonnets frequently feature scented violets, sometimes as a backgroud to doom and gloom. Over a thousand species.
HOMESURREY'S WILDFLOWERING PROJECT is a community-led initiative, aiming to build a partnership that enables wildflowering in the county as well as promoting and celebrating the boroughs/districts diverse environments. Do take the time to find out more about the project and if you can get involved, even in a small way, you will make a difference.