I always think that the flowers resemble upside-down umbrellas. This flower shape, the umbel, is a common feature of this family. A good example is the Cow Parsley that we see growing on roadsides in late spring and Hogweed along our rivers and streams.
If you have allowed carrots, celery or parsnips run to flower in your vegetable plot, or have seen the swathe of white in fields during May, then you will recognise this family of plants. UNLIKE YOUR VEGETABLES, SOME OF THESE ARE POISONOUS, SO PLEASE LOOK BUT DON'T TOUCH.
SURREY'S WILDFLOWERING PROJECT is a community-led initiative, aiming to build a partnership that enables wildflowering in the county as well as promoting and celebrating the boroughs/districts diverse environments. Do take the time to find out more about the project and if you can get involved, even in a small way, you will make a difference.